About AeroSPARX
AeroSPARX are the only team in the world to combine Formation flying, Aerobatics and night time pyro!
We are an aerobatic stunt display team who have brightened up airshows across the world with our smooth, graceful manoeuvres and quality formation flying. Perhaps best known for their stunning pyrotechnics. AeroSPARX have been dazzling audiences with their remarkable demonstrations as far afield as Saudi Arabia and New Zealand.
Established in 2015, pilots Guy Westgate and Rob Barsby, regularly take to the skies in their Grob109b motor gliders. By day, they perform a formation flying display with aerial acrobatics, while at night they quite literally shine with their unique pyro fireworks display.
Based in the UK, AeroSPARX have had a busy few years captivating audiences across Europe, Asia and New Zealand, with many more fascinating locations lined up for the future.
There are hundreds of flying display acts world wide, but only about 200 formation teams. Only half of these perform formation aerobatics and only 6 of these teams fly with pyro.... only 1 team does it all at night - AerosSPARX are globally unique!
The team gives huge thanks to sponsors and supporters